I am writing new lectures and organizing a lot of teaching material to teach 4 (!) classes this fall at two different universities (NYU and Fordham). I would like to keep the teaching materials in a nice easily accessible online location, and easily share with my students without a lot of hassle to sign them all up or whatever. I had a fairly good experience with Google Drive for a short course this Spring, so I'm trying it out now. Here is the master link to all of my 2015 teaching material:
Stuff will appear, change, possibly disappear from this location as I keep sorting and rewriting, up to and during the classes. Most of the material is my own, some journal articles that I provide as readings to my students, and some shameless theft of good lectures, exercises, and tutorials from other folks smarter or better at explaining stuff than I am.
We are also planning to make Screencast type videos of most of the lectures, which get dumped on YouTube. I will try to find some sensible way of organizing them and sharing via this NGS blog.
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